Once - daily sulfonylureas should be an aailable option where drug concordance is problematic . rapid - acting insulin secretagogues may be useful as an alternatie to sulfonylureas in some insulin - sensitie people with ? exible lifestyles 如果有药物依从性的问题时,一日一次的磺脲类药物是个比较合适的选择。在那些生活方式比较灵活的胰岛素敏感个体中,应用速效胰岛素促泌剂来代替磺脲类药物会比较有用。
Once - daily sulfonylureas should be an available option where drug concordance is problematic . rapid - acting insulin secretagogues may be useful as an alternative to sulfonylureas in some insulin - sensitive people with ? exible lifestyles 如果有药物依从性的问题时,一日一次的磺脲类药物是个比较合适的选择。在那些生活方式比较灵活的胰岛素敏感个体中,应用速效胰岛素促泌剂来代替磺脲类药物会比较有用。