Der schutz des produkts durch einen berdruck . mit dem " advanced protection module " von hfliger wird der gleichzeitige schutz von bediener und produkt durch ein neutrales druckkonzept ermglicht 凭借瀚辉hh的“高级保护模块” advanced protection module ,通过中等压力即可同时保护操作人员和产品。
In the followings , considerations we are heavily dependent on schutz in the prolegomena concerning the foundations of knowledge in everyday life and greatly indebted to his work in various important places of our main argument thereafter 在本书以下的篇章中,关于日常生活的基础的重要论证,我们极端倚赖舒兹,并且受惠于他的著作。
In the following considerations we are heavily dependent on schutz in the prolegomena concerning the foundations of knowledge in everyday life and greatly indebted to his work in various important places of our main argument thereafter 在以下的论述中,我们大量依据舒兹对日常生活知识的基本探讨,并且在各主要论述中重要的地方受惠于他。
The paper analyses the musical creation and influences of such famous musicians as schutz , bach , mozart , beethoven , schubert , brahms , verdi , and schonberg in the west , points out that though their temperaments and environments were different , they all possessed the impulse of surpassing the self and the age , and their musical creations borne out of this impulse inevitably came into conflict with their environment , which made their life tragic , and the paper further draws the conclusion that greet artists are invariably tragic in their life and destiny 摘要西方音乐史上舒茨、巴赫、莫扎特、贝多芬、舒伯特、勃拉姆斯、威尔第、勋伯格等人,虽然所处时代不同、境遇不同、性格各异,但都是天才人物,都具有超越自我、超越时代的创作冲动;正是这种冲动导致的创作实践与他们所处时代的矛盾冲突,使这些音乐家成为悲剧性人物。