Chuck loyola , kinch , and come on down . the sassenach wants his morning rashers 跟罗耀拉39断绝关系,金赤,下来吧。
It s on the march , says the citizen . to hell with the bloody brutal sassenachs and their patois “正进展着哪, ” “市民”说, “该死而野蛮的撒克逊佬351和他们的土音352 ,统统都下地狱去吧。 ”
But the sassenach tried to starve the nation at home while the land was full of crops that the british hyenas bought and sold in rio de janeiro 然而撤克逊的混蛋们处心积虑地要把本国老百姓饿死。当时遍地都是粮食,贪婪的英国人买下来,卖到里约热内卢去。