| 1. | Several probles about building liu sanjie culture 关于建设刘三姐文化品牌的几个问题 |
| 2. | The conception of building the protective area of liu sanjie 论建设刘三姐人文生态保护区 |
| 3. | 20 shuwa sanjie north , chengdu 成都市署袜北三街20号 |
| 4. | Cases of late non - small cellular lung cancer treated with ruanjian sanjie decoction 中药软坚散结汤治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌30例30 |
| 5. | Influence of xiaotan sanjie recipe on the expression of stromatic metallic proteinase and inhibitor in gastric carcinoma 消痰散结方对胃癌基质金属蛋白酶及其抑制剂表达的影响 |
| 6. | Clinical analysis on the therapeutic effect of jinsang sanjie pill integrative therapy for vocal polypus and vocal nodules 手术与金嗓散结丸结合治疗声带息肉及声带小结疗效分析 |
| 7. | Clinical evaluation of therapy effects for liver fibrosis and early liver cirrosis by interferon and ruanjiae sanjie fluid in the patients with chronic hepatitis b 干扰素加软坚散结汤抗慢性乙型肝炎肝纤维化及早期肝硬化的临床研究 |
| 8. | " liu sanjie " , " cane entangles tree " familiar - sounding , " plate song " and so on can detailed , have the guangxi characteristic the program all to be able extremely to appreciate in here you 刘三姐藤缠树盘歌等耳熟能详极具广西特色的节目在这里您都能欣赏到。 |
| 9. | Zhuang nationality people are famous for their skills in singing and dancing and are good at expressing their feelings with singing , fairy singer liu sanjie is their representative of folk song culture 壮族人民素以能歌善舞著称,善于以歌来抒发思想感情, “歌仙”刘三姐便是他们山歌文化的代表。 |
| 10. | Add : 20 shuwa sanjie north , chengdu 20kms to the airport ; 5kms to the railway station ; 1km to the city center ; surrounding landscape : du fu s thatched cottage , yongling , wuhouci , wangjiang park , tianfu square , panda square 地处成都市中心金融商贸的黄金地段,主楼34层,紧邻繁华的春熙路商业区及名小吃一条街,交通极为便利,是商贸活动旅游观光的理想下榻之处。 |