Go, my good friend, to the foot of the tree, and call the sacristan to toll the bell . 我的好朋友,请你走到树底下,叫那看教堂的人敲钟吧。
Community members participate actively in the liturgy as music ministers , eucharistic ministers , lectors , sacristans , and altar servers 礼仪中各服务如读经、送圣体、傅祭、翻译、音乐礼仪等都是由团体中的教友轮流负责。
A few moments later , he returned with an altar - boy carrying a crucifix , and a sacristan who walked before them ringing a bell to announce that the lord was coming to the house of the dying woman 过不多久他又回来了,陪他一起来的是一个唱诗班的孩子,手里擎着一个耶稣受难十字架,在他们前面还走着一个教堂侍役,摇着铃,表示天主来到了临终者的家里。