Forensic identification for 16 cases with lumbar sacralization and lumbarization 腰椎骶化和骶椎腰化法医学鉴定16例分析
Lumbar sacralization and lumbarization are congenital spine malformation . 16 cases with lumbar sacralization or lumbarization were reviewed 摘要目的探讨分析腰椎骶化和骶椎腰化时腰椎如何定位及在法医学鉴定中的注意事项,为规范法医鉴定提供参考。
Through studying the etiopathogenisis and clinical manifestation we analyze the relationship between injury and disease . 6 cases of 16 have lumbar sacralization . 10 cases are attributed to lumbarization 方法回顾性分析16例有腰椎骶化或骶椎腰化的被鉴定人,结合其病因、临床表现探讨与外伤的关系,以及如何准确定位椎体。