Government must invest these items that need many money , runback in long - term , have outside economy and enterprise do not will or have no ability to invest in 政府投资的方向应主要侧重于投资金额巨大、回收期长、具有明显的外部经济性等企业不愿涉足或无力承担的项目。
This paper also tested each model and system - the second loop of qinshan nuclear power station ( the second term ) , computed the balance point , tested the performance of step disturbance and runback loads for system ( no adding adjustment system ) , analyzing the factors effecting the first tiptop rotate speed of turb and time which the rotate speed reach the tiptop 在仿真模型上,完成了稳态计算、系统阶跃扰动试验、甩负荷试验(未加调节系统)等测试,主要监控和分析了汽轮机动态特性中两个重要参数:汽轮机第一飞升转速、飞升时间。