It ' s been a rolla - costa year . and we are all another year older , another year wiser . let ' s hope 2004 will be a smoother ride . be good ! 去年是个多事之秋。而现在我们都长大了一岁,也经一年,长一智。希望2004年会是顺利的。大家要乖哦!
Stan received a bachelor s of science degree in computer science and a bachelor s of science degree in applied mathematics from the university of missouri at rolla in 1990 1990年stan获得missouri大学rolla分校应用数学理学学士学位和计算机科学理学学士学位。
On easter weekend in april 2001 , the missouri center joyfully received a quan yin messenger and fellow practitioners from throughout the midwest for an initiation and video seminar in rolla . for local and visiting disciples from other states , work and play blurred together as they happily prepared for the event 2001年4月复活节的周末,一位观音使者和中西部的同修莅临了密苏里小中心,大家一起在密苏里州的罗拉rolla举办一场印心会和一场录影带弘法讲座。