The rest of the furniture of this privileged apartment consisted of old cabinets , filled with chinese porcelain and japanese vases , lucca della robbia faience , and palissy platters ; of old arm - chairs , in which perhaps had sat henry iv or sully , louis xiii or richelieu - for two of these arm - chairs , adorned with a carved shield , on which were engraved the fleur - de - lis of france on an azure field evidently came from the louvre , or , at least , some royal residence . over these dark and sombre chairs were thrown splendid stuffs , dyed beneath persia s sun , or woven by the fingers of the women of calcutta or of chandernagor 在这个倍受宠幸的房间里,还有别的家具,其中包括法兰西一世时代的旧柜子,里面摆满了中国和日本的花瓶,卢加或罗比亚的陶器,巴立赛的餐碟此外还有古色古香的圈椅,大概是亨利四世或萨立公爵,路易十三或红衣主教黎赛留曾坐过的,因为在两三张圈椅上,都雕刻着一个盾牌,盾牌是淡青色的,上面雕有百合花花纹的法国国徽,显然是卢浮宫的藏物,至少也是皇亲国戚府里的东西。