The riptide ' ll take you out to sea . [ chuckles ] 裂流会把你带到大海里
The riptide ' ll take you out to sea . chuckles 激流会把你们冲到大海
Gets caught in the riptides , trying to short cut through rimski channel 他的船被林姆斯基海峡的退潮流困住
Riptide is a strong underwater current . it moves quickly away from shore and out to sea 激潮是海面下一种强大的暗流,从海岸迅速地流向大海。
On clinton ' s last trip to hawaii , he went swimming at waikiki beach . he got caught in a riptide and was been pulled out to sea 克林顿最后一次去夏威夷度假的时候,去怀基基海滩游泳。他陷入激流,被卷入海中。
Has many primitive characteristic . it has important research value to the origin and evolution of riptide , and the research on lizard order and family classification of shinisaurus crocodilurus ahl . . recently , owing to the destroy of human beings , the shinisaurus crocodilurus ahl 鳄蜥为我国特有的珍稀濒危动物,是第四纪冰川后期残留在我国华南地区的原始爬行动物,分布范围相当狭窄,并具有许多原始特征,它对于爬行纲动物的起源和演化,蜥蜴目各科分类的研究,有着重要的学术价值。
Whether snow - capped mountains or verdant plains , its rivulet - woven headstreams or the boundless sea , be it billowing riptide or twinkling calm surface , whether jungles inhabited by wild animals or villages of diversified ethnic groups with rich cultural heritages , sacred meili snow mountain or the three parallel rivers region , all are naturally bestowed fortunes and ever appealing works of classic beauty 白雪皑皑的高山,绿草如荫的平川;溪流涓涓的源头,一望无际的大海;波涛汹涌的激流,波光荧荧的江面;野兽出没的高山峡谷到风情万种的各族村寨;令人神往的梅里雪山,三江并流的世界奇观,都是自然的造化,都是动人的经典。