The three forming factors of main weaving defect of t / c twills are analysed , the paper also provides solving measure in coning , warping , sizing , reeding and weaving process 摘要分析了涤棉斜纹织物三跳疵点的三个成因。叙述了消除三跳疵点在络筒、整经、浆纸、穿筘和织造工序中采取的解决措施。
The processing practices and the production and technical keys in warping sizing , reeding , healding and weaving , etc . in producing two sorts of warp yarn jacquard fabrics are viewed in this article 摘要介绍了在生产两种经纱提花条织物时,整经、浆纱、穿筘、穿综、织造等工序的工艺实践和生产技术要点。
In the article are introduced the production process and the weaves and colors design of a single pattern multi - weave broad fabric woven by dyed yam with key technical measures of warping , pattern arrangement , sizing and healding and reeding processes also discussed 摘要介绍了色织宽幅多组织独花面料的色织工艺流程及组织、色彩设计,叙述了整经排花、浆纱及穿综穿筘工序的技术措施。