| 1. | China s rebalancing challenge 中国:重新平衡的挑战 |
| 2. | It is central to the adjustment process i have dubbed global rebalancing 它是我已称之为全球重新平衡调整过程的核心。 |
| 3. | In oregon , usa , where osho built a commune , she was trained in bodywork , called rebalancing 1984 Oregon奥修社区中,她开始受训成为身体治疗师rebalancing |
| 4. | Congenital optimists see the dollar ' s fall as part of a necessary rebalancing of the world economy 天性乐观的人士认为,在世界经济必要的重新调整中,美元下跌是其中的一部分。 |
| 5. | The global rebalancing framework views currency realignments as the functional equivalent of a shift in the world s relative price structure 全球重新平衡的框架,把各种货币调整视为等同于世界相对价格结构方面功能性的转变。 |
| 6. | Application design is rebalancing the ratio of code to content using soa ; that is , a huge amount of soa - delivered content is available and is growing 应用程序设计使用soa改变了代码和内容的比例,出现了大量通过soa提供的内容,并且不断增长。 |
| 7. | It has long been clear that the renminbi peg was storing up trouble and china needed to start rebalancing away from exports 长期以来,有一点十分清楚:即人民币盯住美元的汇率机制在给中国带来麻烦,中国必须开始重新平衡经济,改变对出口的依赖。 |
| 8. | Because the union is the biggest economic bloc that implements iasb rules , such a rebalancing could drastically increase its say in the drafting process 由于欧盟是执行国际会计准则理事会规则的最大经济集团,这样的平衡调整可能会大大增加它在准则起草阶段的发言权。 |
| 9. | The forum for 30 industrialised countries said a “ rebalancing ” in the world ' s economy will see growth in europe and asia compensate for a slowdown in america 这个由30个工业国家组成的论坛说,由于世界经济“再平衡” ,欧洲及亚洲的经济增长将弥补美国经济放缓的影响。 |
| 10. | Success in rebalancing the composition of growth ? between rural and urban areas , as well as across regions ? adds a critical medium - term support to this process , concentrated among households with a higher propensity to consume 成功推动城乡和不同地区的经济平衡发展,从中期来看,将继续推动这一进程,使人民群众更多地消费。 |