I pressed my lips to his once brilliant and now rayless eyes - i swept his hair from his brow , and kissed that too 我把嘴唇紧贴着当初目光炯炯如今己黯然无光的眼睛上我拨开了他额上的头发,也
Distributed in continental shelf depths of all tropica and subtropical oceans , ophichthidae can burrow in sand and mud substrates or coral reefs by pointed rayless tail tips or acute snouts 摘要蛇鳗科鱼类广布于各大洋的热带和亚热带大陆架水域,可依靠尖突的头部和尖秃骨化的尾端在沙土或珊瑚礁后潜穴。
Oh , i wish i could make you see how much my mind is at this moment like a rayless dungeon , with one shrinking fear fettered in its depths - the fear of being persuaded by you to attempt what i cannot accomplish 呵,但愿我能让你看到,这会儿我的心象一个没有光线的牢房,它的角落里铐着一种畏畏缩缩的忧虑那就是担心自己被你说服,去做我无法完成的事情。 ”
One idea only still throbbed life - like within me - a remembrance of god : it begot an unuttered prayer : these words went wandering up and down in my rayless mind , as something that should be whispered , but no energy was found to express them - 有一个念头仍像生命那样在我内心搏动上帝的怀念,并由此而产生了无言的祈祷。这些话在我没有阳光的内心往复徘徊,仿佛某些话该悄声倾吐出来,却又无力去表达它们。
I lingered at the gates ; i lingered on the lawn ; i paced backwards and forwards on the pavement ; the shutters of the glass door were closed ; i could not see into the interior ; and both my eyes and spirit seemed drawn from the gloomy house - from the grey hollow filled with rayless cells , as it appeared to me - to that sky expanded before me , - a blue sea absolved from taint of cloud ; the moon ascending it in solemn march ; her orb seeming to look up as she left the hill - tops , from behind which she had come , far and farther below her , and aspired to the zenith , midnight dark in its fathomless depth and measureless distance ; and for those trembling stars that followed her course ; they made my heart tremble , my veins glow when i viewed them 我的目光与心灵似乎已从那幢阴暗的房子,从在我看来是满布暗室的灰色洞穴中,退缩出来,到达了展现在我面前的天空一片云影全无的蓝色海洋。月亮庄严地大步迈向天空,离开原先躲藏的山顶背后,将山峦远远地抛在下面,仿佛还在翘首仰望,一心要到达黑如子夜深远莫测的天顶。那些闪烁着的繁星尾随其后,我望着它们不觉心儿打颤,热血沸腾。