Effects of alcohol extract of qizhou radix echinopsis on learning and memory in senile mice induced by d - galactose 半乳糖所致衰老小鼠学习记忆的影响
Hangzhou bai zhi contains the least of ethanol - soluble extractive while qizhou bai zhi ( have n ' t been smoked by sulfur ) has the highest content . sichuan bai zhi from suining and nanchong have more ethanol - soluble extractive content than others and the medicinal materials from nanchong and quxian have the highest volatile oil content 不同商品的白芷浸出物含量以杭白芷最低,而祁白芷(未熏硫)的最高;川白芷不同产地的药材浸出物含量以遂宁和南充产的较高。