The map details the puglia region of southern italy it was found in a dig led by the belgian archaeologist thierry van compernolle , of montpellier university , two years ago 残片由来自法国蒙彼利埃大学的比利时考古学家蒂里-凡-康珀诺尔领导的发掘小组于两年前发现的。
The trulli , limestone dwellings found in the southern region of puglia , are remarkable examples of drywall ( mortarless ) construction , a prehistoric building technique still in use in this region 意大利普利亚区南部发现的圆顶石屋,一种石灰石住所,是史前建筑技术无灰泥建筑技术的典型代表,该技术在这一地区仍然沿用。
This red wine is produced in that part of puglia named penisola salentina , on the border between the provinces of lecceand brindi i ; a wine which exists in a region rich in historical and cultural events which are lost in the mists of time 红酒生产于普利亚的潘尼索拉.索兰地亚地区,位于拉察省和布尔迪西省的边界地带,该地有丰富的消失在历史迷雾中的历史,文化事件。