| 1. | The concept of puc introduces a paradox 中国城市化的概念是矛盾的。 |
| 2. | Ab initio study on potential energy function and vertical ionization potential for puc molecule 分子的结构与垂直电离势的理论计算 |
| 3. | Puc pickup car 客货两用小汽车 |
| 4. | Their intlls were located on choromosome after southenbloting with intllprobe on genome and plasmid dnas extracted from 4 of these isolates 4kb )克隆至载体puc19上(此质粒称为puc一c101 ) ,并进行核酸序列测定。 |
| 5. | All of our vehicles are fully insured with a us 10 , 000 , 000 insurance policy and we operate under the authorities of puc icc 我们所有豪华旅游巴士都拥有美国公共事业委员会puc和联州商务委员会icc的认可并购有一千万美圆的意外保险。 |
| 6. | Within the limits of puc the combined demographic social and economic forces give rise to hyper speed urbanization at an unseen scale 在中国人民的城市之中,人口统计结合社会与经济的力量使得的城市化进程在一个不被人所见的规模下迅猛发展。 |
| 7. | The amplified cdna fragment was inserted to plasmid puc 18 . the sequencing result shows that length of cgh cdn a fragment is 669bp 正反向测序结果分析表明:克隆的草鱼生长激素基因cdna全长669bp ,开放阅读框( orf )包含633个碱基,编码210个氨基酸。 |
| 8. | 4 . the construction of middle - clone vector and expression vector the puc - cp and pgem - 7z plasmid were digested by kpnl and bamhi , and collected the digested cpti fragment and the pgem - 7z , then ligated by t4 dna ligase and formed the pgem - cp 中间载体及表达载体的构建将puc - cp质粒和pgem ? 7z质粒,用kpni和bamhi酶切,分别回收cpti片断和酶切后的载体片段,用t _ 4连接酶连接构建成中间载体pgem - cp 。 |
| 9. | To arouse public awareness of the value of sport and physical recreation , the provisional urban council ( puc ) organised 9249 grassroots training and recreation programmes for 648465 participants of all ages and abilities at a cost of $ 39 . 23 million in 1997 临时市政局为使市民体会体育和康乐活动的价值,在一九九七年耗资3 , 923万元,举办了9249项基层训练和康乐计划,供648465名不同年龄和体能的人士参加。 |
| 10. | Selected one of the 14 strains - s93 , s93 dna was digested partially with sau3a i and 2 ~ 3kb fragments were collected and inserted into puc 18 , then transformed into dh5 a . filtering the clone with hybridization in situ , a 1 kb frament clone has been cloned 使用sau3ai对基因组dna进行不完全酶切,回收2 3kb片段,与puc18质粒连接转化大肠杆菌,利用地高辛标记探针,使用菌落原位杂交筛选转化子;筛选到包含有约1kb外源片段的转化子。 |