| 1. | Well, i must depend on providence . 这么一来我只好指望上天了。 |
| 2. | It is tempting providence to go in that old boat . 乘那艘旧船前往是冒大险。 |
| 3. | Providence was more especially on the side of clever people . 上天总是更加偏爱聪明人。 |
| 4. | Providence is nothing if not coquettish . 如果天公是不故意捉弄人的,那它就什么也不是了。 |
| 5. | Providence frowns on it . 老天是讨厌这种事的。 |
| 6. | Do you suppose providence would have cast my lot in an island ? 你以为天意注定我一辈子住在一个岛上吗? |
| 7. | Providence had grown mythical in his thoughts, if not malicious . 他头脑中产生了一种奇怪的,如果不是恶意的深谋远虑。 |
| 8. | So bound home from providence alone, i was groaning to myself on the train . 我独自从普罗维登斯返回,不禁在火车上喟然叹息。 |
| 9. | There are men whom a merciful providence has undoubtedly ordained to a single life . 有一些男人,慈悲的天意注定叫他们终身作个单身汉 |
| 10. | All things subject to divine providence are ruled and measured by the eternal law . 天地万物,只要隶属于神辖范围,就受永恒法支配和调整。 |