To regard ourself lightly is prajna ( wisdom ) . to regard ourself highly is attachment 看淡自己的是般若,看重自己的是执着。
Morality is our most precious possession . prajna is our greatest treasure 道德,是人类最珍贵的质量;般若,是人生最真实的宝藏。
Doing good , you have prajna hands . seeing with compassion , you have prajna eyes . praising others , you have prajna tongue . embracing the multitude in your thought , you have prajna mind 能做好事就是般若手,慈眼视人就是般若眼,能言好话就是般若口,胸怀大众就是般若心。
In buddhist tantra , or vajrayana , in contrast to the hindu , the female principle of " wisdom ( prajna ) is seen as static , whereas the male , or " means ( upaya ) , is active 佛教的坦陀罗,或者金刚乘,与印度教相反,女性法则的“智慧(般若) ”看起来是静态的,而男性,或者“手段(方便) ”是积极的。
His right hand holds a flaming sword , which represents the sharpness of prajna that cuts through the root cause of suffering and the net of wrong views which binds us to the three lower realms 文殊菩萨右手持燃烧利剑象征著般若智慧如利剑般锋利能够斩断众生无明之根免除众生因贪?之心而堕入三恶趣。
Meditation occupies a central place in buddhism and combines , in its highest stages , the discipline of progressively increased introversion with the insight brought about by wisdom , or prajna 冥想在佛教占有重要地位,溶入于最高阶段上,日益增强的自省性训练,连同着由智慧(或者般若)而来的内在洞察力。