As a famous educationalist and practician of the chinese language and literature ( abb . as cll ) , yu yi plays a leading role for the promotion of education reform of cll course 于漪,是中国著名的语文教育家、实干家,是中国语文教育改革的“领头鸟” 。
The author agrees with the dual - meaning doctrine , and defines the concept of criminal proof responsibility based on this doctrine . secondly , the author clears up the relationship between criminal proof responsibility and burden responsibility usually confused by our legal theorists and practicians , and points out that the two concepts are interrelated and mutually distinction . during the overall criminal process , the two concepts are the use of a phased process of dynamic change , with different subjects reflected in the various stages from an 本文在对两大法系的刑事证明责任对比的基础上进行借鉴,并以此对我国的刑事证明责任的概念做出界定,在法学理论上对其分配问题进行了分析,认为无论是从我国现阶段的经济水平还是法律制度的发展水平来说,我国的刑事证明责任都应该以适合中国国情的可操作性为原则来进行分配,并且应该用经济成本的眼光去看待这个问题的变化与发展。
Part two : definition , characteristics and acting models of securities fraud securities fraud is the act of breaching the securities laws in order to gain illegal interests which is acted by the issuers , the securities institutions , the securities administrators , the securities practician and investors so on 分析了证券欺诈的构成要件进行,欺诈行为的主体有自然人、法人和其他单位,主观方面只能是故意,侵犯的客观方面表现为违反相关的法律法规,侵犯的客体有投资者的合法利益和金融管理制度以及证券市场的管理秩序。
Genichi taguchi ' s robust parameter design is a kind of design method of product quality in industry , this paper analyses parameter design ' s disadvantages , as well as the corresponding improvement technologies and alternative methods , so as to make the parameter design ' s researchers and practicians to hold the basic principles and realization methods of parameter design more properly and completely , and to exert parameter design ' s effects in reducing variations in products and processes . the main contributions of this paper are described as follow : 1 田口的稳健参数设计是广泛应用于工业中的产品质量设计的方法,本文通过分析参数设计中存在的弊端,以及人们对此提出的改进技术和替代方法,使得参数设计的研究人员和实际应用者在此基础上,能够更加准确和完整的把握参数设计的基本思想及实现方法,充分发挥参数设计减少产品(生产工序)变差的功效。