Standard test method for thermal flow , cure , and behavior properties of pourable thermosetting materials by torque rheometer 用转矩流变仪测试可浇注的热固材料的热流性固化性及性能特性的标准试验方法
Low temperature flexible , easily pourable rtv silicone sealant / encapsulant , can be used with a wide variety of curing agents , thus varying pot life , cure time , mix ratios and cure conditions 低温弹性,易浇注的rtv密封硅胶,可与多种固化剂使用,可改变灌胶时间、固化时间、混合比率以及固化条件。
Low viscosity , easily pourable potting material , with the ability to develop good adhesion to most substrates without the use of a primer , has a long working time and high temperature resistance , cure at elevated temperature 低粘度,易浇注的灌封材料,并在不需要底涂的情况下能获得较好的粘接性,操作时间长,耐高温,需加热固化。
Pourable rtv silicone potting / casting compound with high thermal conductivity , cures to firm but flexible rubber , capable of withstanding temperatures of 260 continuous and 315 short term exposure , uses in electronic devices requiring heat dissipation 易浇注的rtv硅胶灌注化合物,高导热,固化成稳固又有弹性的橡胶体,能持续耐温260 ,短时间耐温315 ,用于需散热的电子设备。