Suppose that communal kitchen years to come perhaps . all trotting down with porringers and tommycans to be filled . devour contents in the street 大家都带上粥钵和饭盒,等人给盛,在街上就把自已那一份吞下去了。
Of this festive composition each boy had one porringer , and no more - except on occasions of great public rejoicing , when he had two ounces and a quarter of bread besides 按照这样一种过节一般的布置,每个孩子分得一汤碗粥,绝不多给- - - - - -遇上普天同庆的好日子,增发二又四分之一盎司面包。
Hunger rattled its dry bones among the roasting chestnuts in the turned cylinder ; hunger was shred into atomies in every farthing porringer of husky chips of potato , fried with some reluctant drops of oil 饥饿在旋转的铁筒里的烤板栗中摇着它焦干的骨头嗒嗒作响。饥饿被切成了一个铜板一小碗的极薄的干洋芋片,用极不情愿花掉的几滴油炒着。