| 1. | The victor always plundered the vanquished . 战胜国总是掠夺战败国。 |
| 2. | They loaded the carts with plunder . 他们把掠夺来的东西装进大车里。 |
| 3. | You yourself were speaking of plunder just now . 你自己刚才也说抢来着。 |
| 4. | He's only taken back what you plundered him of . 他不过把你们从他手里抢走的东西收回罢了。 |
| 5. | The soldiers had to disgorge the jewels which they had plundered . 士兵被迫交出抢劫的珠宝。 |
| 6. | Many of our cultural treasures have been plundered by imperialists . 我国许多珍贵文物被帝国主义掠走了。 |
| 7. | The plunder was no object to me, i abandoned that to my comrades . 我的目标并不是赃物,我把这些转让给同伴。 |
| 8. | No doubt the city was being politely and methodically plundered . 毫无疑问,这个城市正在遭受掠夺,只是方式比较文雅,比较有条理。 |
| 9. | He showed a dutiful disposition in sending her always a large share of the plunder he made . 他总是恭顺地把他掠到的大部分财物送给她。 |
| 10. | For many days, ralph the rover scoured the seas, and many were the ships that he plundered . 很多天来海盗拉尔夫一直在海上出没,很多船都遭到他的抢劫。 |