I ' m sure there will be library pledgers something will turn up 我想从图书馆的资金里面可能可以挤出一点来
Secondly , two important problems about the publicizing are expounded , one is whether or not to transfer the certificates of the shareholding to the pledger 其次,在公示问题上,着重论述了三个问题:一是股权质押的效力问题。
Share right pledge is that the pledger creates the pledge with his ( or her ) share right as the subject matter in order to guarantee his ( or her ) debts 股权质押是指出质人以其所拥有的股权作为质押标的物而设立质押以担保债务的履行。
There are four problems are discussed . one is the scope of guarantee ; the second is the rights enjoyed by the pledger ; the third is the rights enjoyed by the pledgee 本部分内容包括:一是股权质押担保的债权范围;二是质权人享有的权利;三是对出质人的效力。
Part two points out that the parties in share right pledge generally include the pledgor , the pawnee and the third party . the pledger may be the debtor himself ( herself ) or the other third party 第二部分指出股权质押中的当事人一般包括股权质权人、出质人和第三人,其中,出质人可以是债务人自己,也可以是债务人以外的第三人。
Moreover , our laws provide more , strict pledge requirements on foreign investment enterprises . part five states the rights and the obligations of the pledger and the pawnee in share right pledge . part six clarifies the validity scope of the share right pledge , focusing on the validity to the secured creditors " right and the subject matter 第六部躺明股踉押具腕括的几怕面的效力,着重论述了股权质押对所邯债权范围的效力及贩物的效力,前者主要包括主债权、利息、违约金、损害贿铀实狮权的费用,后者一鹏括质物、革息及代位物。
Concretely speaking , the stock of listed company , because of its existence free of paper and the electrical trade style , should be registered at the stock exchange and on the register of members ; to the stocks of non - listed company , if they are order stocks , they should be transferred to the pledger with endorsement and also be registered on the register members ; if non - order stocks , they should be transferred to the pledger directly . another one is how t o optimize the register member . the third part expounds the legal effects 因此对有限公司股权质押而言,应移转股单于质权人占有;对股份公司股票因其是否上市而不同,对上市公司股票因其存在形式的无纸化及交易的电子化而且是记名性股票,所以需要在法定的证券交易场所和公司股东名册上进行设质登记;对于非上市公司的股票因其以纸面形式存在,如果是记名股票则需要在股票上进行背书并移转于质权人占有,以及在公司股东名册上进行质押登记;如是无记名股票,则需在证券交易所将股票交付质权人占有。