n. (pl. plectrums, -tra ) 1.(弦乐器的)拨子。 2.【动物;动物学】距。
Example Sentences:
Finally , the strings are plucked with a plectrum ,拥有26个可移动的品,以琴拨演奏。
The plectrums is usually made of turtle shell or special plastics 在技法上左手大拇指以及和弦的运用使琵琶的表现力再次大大提高。
Hu stands for " foreign " in chinese , which was played horizontally with a wooden plectrum see the picture below for tang dynasty pipa player 其形状为曲颈,梨形音箱,有四柱四弦,很像目前在阿拉伯国家常见的乌特琴
Hu stands for " foreign " in chinese ) , which was played horizontally with a wooden plectrum ( see the picture below for tang dynasty pipa player ) 。横抱琵琶用拨子演奏。现代的琵琶就是由这种曲项琵琶演变发展而来的。
Since the mid tang dynasty , and particularly since the song dynasty ( 960 - 1279 ) , the instrument has been gradually developed into the present form of a lute played with fingernails while the techniques with the plectrum were totally abandoned 归纳起来,右手指法分俩个系统:一、轮指系统,二、弹挑系统。左手指法也分俩个系统:一、按指系统,二、推拉系统。
Most of them are distinguished by their bright and clear sounds . plucking techniques are diversified so that the player can pluck by either the right index finger tip , without an artificial nail , or a plectrum . techniques such as flicking , flipping , rolling , turning , picking , rubbing , knocking , sweeping , whisking , parting , plucking , patting , and lifting are commonly adopted 大多数的弹拨乐器都具有明亮、清脆的音色,其弹奏方法技巧亦十分多样化,演奏者可配戴假指甲或手拿琴拨来弹奏,而技巧则有弹、挑、滚、轮、勾、抹、扣、划、拂、分、摭、拍、提、摘等。
One of the greatest developments was that the left hand became totally free by holding the instrument vertically , i . e . the pipa rests on the thigh of the instrumentalists in an upright position , and was played vertically with five fingers of the right hand instead of horizontally with a plectrum ( see the above photo of liu fang ) 到了唐代(公元7 - 9世纪)琵琶的发展出现了一个高峰。当时上至宫廷乐队,下至民间演唱都少不了琵琶,随成为当时非常盛行的乐器,而且在乐队处于领奏地位。这种盛况在我国古代诗词中有大量的记载。
One of the greatest developments was that the left hand became totally free by holding the instrument vertically , i . e . the pipa rests on the thigh of the instrumentalists in an upright position , and was played vertically with five fingers of the right hand instead of horizontally with a plectrum see the above photo of liu fang 到了唐代公元7 - 9世纪琵琶的发展出现了一个高峰。当时上至宫廷乐队,下至民间演唱都少不了琵琶,随成为当时非常盛行的乐器,而且在乐队处于领奏地位。这种盛况在我国古代诗词中有大量的记载。