All the organizations should conduct together the stating and pleading cases which are proposed out of the same cause ( involving the same pleader ) 准延长,并将办理情形及延期理由以书面先行告知陈情人。
The organization that is not responsible for the stating and pleading case is informed that the pleader has proposed the case with the same reason to the organization in charge 非陈情事项之主管机关,接获陈情人以同一事由已分向主管机关陈情者。
Our disputes were often brought before our father , and i fancy i was either generally in the right , or else a better pleader , because the judgment was generally in my favor 经常我们的争辩会告诉父亲,或许是我的理直气壮和辩才,因此这审判常是有利于我。
In case of face - to - face pleading , the pleader should sign or stamp his name for check . after the procedures , the mail staffs conduct matters concerning receiving documents and registering 办单位依公文程序办理;以面谈、电话等言词为之者,则应由承办人员填写
The young man passed round to the side of the table where the fair pleader sat , and leaning over her chair said tenderly , - " to give you pleasure , my sweet ren 那青年绕过桌子,走到那美丽的姑娘身边,靠在她的椅子上,温柔地说: “为了让您高兴,我亲爱的蕾妮,在我力所能及的范围内,我答应您尽量宽大些。
If a reply on the stating and pleading case has been made to the pleader , and the superior organization delivers the same case again , the organization in charge should make a reply on the conducting situations to the delivering organization 七、各单位对于连续以同一案由陈情之案件(含同一陈情人)应予并案办理,如陈情案件业已答覆陈情人后,上级机关再交办同一案件者,应将办理情形答覆交办机关。