Offer free advice to owners in the planning and layout of factories and workplaces , and in - plantin - house safety programme 在设计和布置厂房及工作场所,以及推行厂内和工作场所内的安全计划各方面,免费向工厂工作场所拥有人提供意见;
Ba sed on the regional ecological condition and the resources characteristics , the measures to improve the hilly eco - environment should be multiply arranged by following the strategical rules and the technique requirements which are plantin g grass and trees sparsely , growing the crops and fruit trees in the terrace , ro tationally cutting the grass , using the forest by rationally graziery , and makin g the soil and water conservation industrialization 山区生态环境建设应从区域生态资源实际出发,按照林草建设疏林化,粮果生产梯田化,刈割草场轮作化,森林利用畜牧化,水土保持产业化的战略原则和技术要求,镶嵌配置。