Exploring on the breeding management for doberman pinscher 杜伯文种母犬的饲养管理初探
Miniature pinscher manchester terrier club 迷你品和曼彻斯特更俱乐部
Doberman pinscher club 杜宾犬俱乐部
Early litters could record both miniature schnauzers and miniature pinschers in the same litter 同样的幼犬,被记录为迷你雪纳瑞和迷你品。
The doberman pinscher , siberian husky and great dane are included in this group , to name just a few 笃宾、西伯利亚雪橇、大丹都属于工作犬,从它们的名字就能看出来。
With occasional exceptions , the doberman pinscher is the only nonchondrodysplastic large breed dog to be affected by type i ivdd 偶有例外,杜宾犬是唯一容易得此疾病的大型犬类
German shepherds , labradors , poodles , doberman , pinschers etc . possess a disposition to learn new bits , orders and ( then especially ) entertaining things for their entire lives 德牧,拉不拉多,狮子狗,杜宾,迷你杜宾等狗狗一生都拥有学习新口令,新动作,特别是学习那些有趣玩意儿的能力。
Bringing a dog into the family should wait until the children are of school age , and even then parents might want to think twice about a doberman pinscher or german shepherd , according to a study published monday 奥地利儿科专家最近警告说,父母应当等孩子到达上学年龄后再给孩子买狗,而且就算孩子已经到了学龄,如果你想买的是一只德国猎犬或是德国牧羊犬的话,最好还是再考虑考虑,因为这些大型狗很有可能会攻击你的孩子。
Bringing a dog into the family should wait until the children are of school age , and even then parents might want to think twice about a doberman pinscher or german shepherd , according to a study published monday . bringing a dog into the family should wait until the children are of school age , and even then parents might want to think twice about a doberman pinscher or german shepherd , according to a study published monday 奥地利儿科专家最近警告说,父母应当等孩子到达上学年龄后再给孩子买狗,而且就算孩子已经到了学龄,如果你想买的是一只德国猎犬或是德国牧羊犬的话,最好还是再考虑考虑,因为这些大型狗很有可能会攻击你的孩子。