On extant primitive angiosperms and their phytogeography 现存被子植物原始类群及其植物地理学研究
Phytogeography of mosses from shimentai nature reserve , guangdong 广东石门台自然保护区的藓类植物区系研究
Phytogeography the geographic distribution shows the south of zhejiang is the center of distribution of genus machilus in zhejiang . mostly species inhabit of low elevations . based on data from specimens , the distribution map of each species in machilus from zhejiang were given 从数量分析聚类图可将现有浙江润桶属植物划分2个表征群a 、 b ,第一表征群a组花被裂片无毛,即传统分类上的光花组,由红桶( machilusthunbefgii玲拢山红捕( mthunberyii 。
According to collected data , based on evidence from gross - morphology , anatomy , pollen - morphology , numerical taxonomy , molecular systematics , phytogeography and the feasibility of application in garden , the classification , the relationship of species from genus machilus in zhejiang and the value of the plants of genus machilus practice was systematically studied in this paper , and provides evidence for exploitation and utilization 为适应日新月异的园林市场需求,挖掘润楠属植物巨大的园林应用潜力,开展浙江润楠属内各分类等级的分化式样、亲缘关系及主要形态性状演变趋势的研究,探明该属植物的分布区域,探讨该属植物在园林应用中的可行性,具有十分重要的理论和实践意义。