| 1. | On the other hand particle identification is provided during offline analysis by algorithms that examine the electromagnetic shower shape in phos to discriminate electromagnetic particles against hadrons 之二,对phos中的簇射进行拓扑分析,从而区分电磁簇射和强子簇射。 |
| 2. | Abstract : the refining and modification methods of soybean phos phatide are commented in detail . at the same time , the applications of refined pho sphatide and modified phosphatide are briefly reviewed 文摘:对磷脂的精制与改性方法进行了介绍,同时对目前市场上精制、改性磷脂产品作了简要介绍。 |
| 3. | The identification of particles is provided in two ways . on one hand a charged particle detector is attached to phos to discriminate charged particles against neutral particles 通常有两种方法来鉴别光子和其他粒子:之一,在phos前放置一带电料子反符合探测器cpv ( chargedparticlevetodetector ) 。 |
| 4. | One of the major goal of phos is to detect and identify direct photons , represent only about 5 to 20 % of the total photon yield . the photon background mainly comes from 0 and decays and misidentified hadrons Alice的光子谱仪phos ( photonspectrometer )用于研究高能光子, phos的作用是:一,区分光子和其他粒子;二,区分直接光子和中性介子衰变产生的光子。 |
| 5. | In the present work we have studied theses two complementary methods to identify photons in the electromagnetic spectrometer phos . we have first studied a new concept , ppsd ( phos pre - shower detector ) , for the charged particle detector 在我的论文中,分别针对这两种方法给予改进:之一,用ppsd ( phospre - showerdetector )取代cpv ,提高对中性强子的鉴别能力。 |
| 6. | The prime aim of the experiment is to study the production of the quark - gluon plasma at high temperatures and high energy densities . phos ( photon spectrometer ) is the electromagnetic calorimeter of high granularity integrated in the alice experiment Alice的目标是:通过相对论重离子对撞,造成局部高温高密条件,从而研究在此极端条件下物质的行为,探索新的物质形态? ?夸克-胶子等离子体qgp ( quarkgluonplasma )及手征对称性恢复的机理。 |
| 7. | The beam - test of china pin diodes at the cern sps accelerator produced satisfactory results . in addition , we studied the pin punch - through effect , and obtained the pin punch - through data with 18cm long pb wo4 crystal at the electron beam energies higher than 20gev for the first time , and these data gave valuable information to alice / phos 在cern的sps加速器上的束流测试,得到比较满意的结果;并对穿透效应做了实验研究,首次获得100gev粒子和20gev以上电子束的18厘米长pbwo4晶体探测器pin硅光管穿透效应实验数据,为alice phos提供了有价值的参考资料。 |