Restrictions on phatic words in linguistic activities in japanese ok 谈寒暄语在日语语言行为中的制约
For this reason , this community will improve the quality of the phatic communication . above that , i think the original spirit of blog is personality and populace , so the last part of the article will discuss the star blog and the blogger star is variation and deviated from the blog spirit 有鉴于此,博客的个人情感化书写的真正意涵在于其草根性和个人性,而无论是“名人博客”抑或“博客名人” ,都是对博客个人情感化书写的背离与变异。
Abstract : phatic language , being one of the most frequently used language forms in our daily life , plays an important role in communication among both native and non - native speakers . phatic language differs greatly from one culture to another due to the different language environment in which the speakers live . therefore , language users have to pay close attention to inter - cultural study in order not to make serious blunders during their discourses 文摘:应酬语是人们在日常生活中用来交际的一种语言现象,由于每个国家或民族的文化和社会习俗相互之间存在很大的差异,人们所使用的应酬语也不尽相同,因此,英语学习者和从事语言教学和研究的工作者必须对跨文化方面的语言现象进行研究,从中找到它们的共性与差异,以避免在语言交际过程中产生不必要的错误和误解。
However , news headlines meet some fatal obstacles when accomplishing these missions as xrefer also refers to : they are always confined by the space of newspapers , magazines , television and computer monitors or by the time limitation on the radio . this paper is to reveal the expression and its effects of headlinese , borrowing geoffrey leech ' s theories about language meanings ( conceptual , connotative , social , affective , reflected , collocative and thematic ) and functions ( informational , expressive , directive , aesthetic and phatic ) as theoretical foundation . what ' s more , lots of theories and research methods from stylistics , pragmatics , psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics are also adopted to further explain headlinese and support leech ' s theories 详细地分析了新闻标题语言表达上的特点之后,文章在杰弗里?里奇阐明的广义的语言意义,即语言的七种意义(外延意义、内涵意义、风格意义、情感意义、反映意义、搭配意义、主题意义)和语言的五个功能(信息、表达、指示、酬应、美学)为主体的理论基础上,对新闻标题语言五个功能的实现逐次剖析,并分别解析七种意义的表达在实现这五个功能的过程中所起的作用。