Pettiness was incompatible not only with their personalities, but with their presences . 谨小慎微不但同他们的个性,而且跟他们的仪表都是不相容的。
If her simplicity had been the simplicity of pettiness and asininity, he would have chafed and rebelled . 如果她的单纯是偏狭而愚蠢的,他可能早已变得厌烦和反感了。
Because i ' ve been able to rise above 45 years of pettiness 因为我已经可以不在乎这45年来的琐碎小事了
Raise your eyes above the pettiness and follow the path of the greatness that is within you 升起在琐碎上面的你的眼睛而且跟随在你里面的伟大的路径。
It tends to emphasize the notion of human understanding , high - mindedness , detachment from life , absence of pettiness or triviality or vulgarity 这种观念注重人类的了解,崇高的意志,脱离俗尘的态度,以及琐碎、无聊、或下流的消灭。
The shadow is omnipresent in our culture ? in ourindifference to suffering around us , in our own pettiness , and inour own sins of omission as much as commission 阴影在我们文化中无处不在? ?存在于我们对自己身边痛楚的漠视,存在于我们自己的偏狭中,存在于我们的疏忽或和所做之事的罪中。
So , he had come back to his own class . to find there , what he had forgotten during his absence of years , a pettiness and a vulgarity of manner extremely distasteful . he admitted now at last , how important manner was 这样,他重新回到他自己的阶级里去,在那里去找回几年外出之中所忘记了的东西,那些下分令人重大不的卑贱的心情和庸俗的仪态。
But even then , in moments which he had looked on as times of weakness , his thought had penetrated even to these remote objects , and then he had seen in them the same pettiness , the same ordinariness and meaninglessness 但是,就是在他认为自己软弱的那一段短暂的时刻里,他的智慧也曾深入到那个远方,他在那里看见的仍然是渺小的世俗的没有意义的东西。
Procedural defense is a new kind of modern defense . it does not refer to the substantial defense against the prosecution , nor does it refer to presenting evidence and reasons to prove the innocence of the accused , the pettiness of his crime and the need for a mitigated punishment or exemption from criminal responsibility . in fact , the procedural defense directly aims at the procedures of the special organs by pointing out and proving their procedural irregularities that may result in the exclusion of the prosecutive evidence , or even may result in the termination of the whole prosecution in the interests of the accused 程序性辩护是现代刑事辩护的一种新的类型,它不是针对检控方的控诉内容,也不是提出证据和理由证明被追诉人无罪、罪轻或者应当减轻、免除其刑事责任,它直接针对刑事诉讼专门机关的诉讼程序,希望通过指出和证明追诉机关程序违法而使对辩方不利的证据被排除,或者违法程序被宣告无效甚至整个追诉程序被依法终结,从而达到有利于被追诉人的目的。