Physical measurement and comparison for two species of pangolin 两种穿山甲外形量衡度的测定及比较
The pangolin s armour is made of the same materials as our hair 穿山甲的鳞片盔甲构造与人类的头发一样。
Mammal protected - pangolin 受保护哺乳动物-穿山甲
Sightings of less common species such as eurasian otters and chinese pangolins are occasionally reported 较少见的品种如水獭、穿山甲等也偶有发现。
Barking deer , squirrels , chinese porcupines , chinese pangolins and mongooses may still be seen in some remote areas 黄? ,松鼠,箭猪,穿山甲及红颊?等仍然可以在部份偏僻的山林内见到它们的踪影。
Apart from a few common birds , other animals like squirrels , barking deer , wild boar , pangolins , and monkeys can occasionally be seen 城门郊野公园除常见的数种雀鸟外,间中可发现松鼠、黄? 、野猪、穿山甲及猴子等。
A celebrated artist , prof . wu was awarded the prestigious pangolin prize by the royal british society of sculptors , which also elected him a fellow frbs 吴为山教授在国际上享负盛名,获英国皇家雕塑家协会攀格林奖,并被选为该会院士。
We will investigate seven enigmatic creatures ? the serval , aardvark , pangolin , genet , african wildcat , civet and porcupine ? as they furtively go about their top - secret activities 金庸小说中有江南七怪,非洲狩猎册上一样有七怪, ?们是难得一见的非洲动物土豚、穿山甲、 ? 、非洲豹、麝猫、豪猪、薮猫,有些可能连名字也鲜有听闻。
An abandoned wreck of a boat off china ' s southern coast last month exposed its breadth : on board , dying in the baking sun , were more than 5 , 000 lizards , tortoises and pangolins , not to mention 21 bear paws 上个月在中国东南沿海一艘被遗弃的遇难船,让走私事件之广泛程度得以曝光:弃船上除了有廿一只熊掌,还有五千多只蜥蜴、乌龟、穿山甲在?阳下奄奄一息。
Excellent one secretary has bury self in work spirit now that needing to resemble a pangolin , keeping a foothold is real , will have the general interest at heart such as charley , have being accustomed more frequent than thinking deeply that again 一个优秀的秘书既要像只穿山甲,立足现实,有埋头苦干的精神;又要像只狐狸,胸怀全局,有勤于思考的习惯。