In an address at the ceremony , mr putin noted that belgorod , kursk and oryol are the first russian cities to receive this honorary title 在颁奖仪式的讲话中,普京说别尔哥罗德、奥廖尔、库尔斯克是第一批得到这个荣誉称号的城市。
President vladimir putin presented official documents conferring the honorary title of city of military glory to the mayors of belgorod , oryol and kursk 5月5日,总统普京签署政府文件,分别授予别尔哥罗德、奥廖尔、库尔斯克三座城市"军人荣誉城"荣誉称号。
On the russian nuclear submarine oryol , docked at russia ' s northern fleet ' s home base , russian and norwegian deep - sea divers recently finished rehearsing their complex and dangerous mission to salvage the sunken kursk from the floor of the barents sea 前不久,俄罗斯和挪威的深海潜水员,在俄罗斯北方舰队总部的一艘核潜艇“奥利奥尔”号上,完成了从巴伦支海打捞“库尔斯克”号核潜艇的工作演习。
The belgorod , kursk and oryol regions provide great assistance to war veterans , keep war burial sites very well maintained and carry out work with veterans and youth organisations to preserve and develop the glorious traditions of russian history , mr putin said 普京说,别尔哥罗德州、奥廖尔州、库尔斯克州都妥善的安置了参加过战争的退伍老兵,很好的保存了战争遗址,并且和退伍老兵、少先队一起为继承和发扬俄罗斯历史的光荣传统而做出了不懈的努力。