Secondly , human being is a kind of originative and sensitive creature 其次,人是有创造、有自我、有意识的生命。
The second part of my paper analyses international harmonized rules of origin . the analysis of application of rules of origin in wto legal system is a most important originative idea 第二大部分分析了国际层次上统一的原产地规则,对原产地规则在wto法律体系中的运用的阐述是这部分的新创造。
In addition , after entering wto ( world trade organization ) , reasonable evaluation can help the fund company become originative and bear the competition & challenge from outside funds management company 这有利于在加入wto后的今天我国基金业能经受起国外同行的竞争与挑战,有利于我国基金业的规范与发展。
Historically , " glass - steagal act of 1933 in america is legally originative to regulate the separation operation of commercial bank and security corp . . then england , japan and france follow america to found the similar frame of the finance institute and the finance regulation 历史地看,美国在“大危机”之后通过的gs法案开创了以立法形式要求银行业与证券业分业经营的先河,此后,英、日、法等国步其后尘,建立了与其类似的金融制度与监管框架。
Connecting with traditional analysis principle for turbine control characteristic and deh system working practice , this text further analyzes the originative control characteristic of deh system . this text is for the purpose of perfecting better the concept of deh system , and making both of turbine project and autocontrol project could understand the deh system more completely , and functioning for instructing power plant practice maintenance 本文结合自动控制原理,从汽机专业的角度出发阐述了deh系统,对deh系统的组成、控制功能和逻辑进行了解析,进而结合传统汽轮机调节特性的分析原理和deh系统的生产实践,创造性地深入分析了deh系统的调节特性。本文的目的是为了进一步完善deh系统的概念,以求汽机和热控专业均能进一步全面、深入理解deh系统,对电厂汽轮机运行和deh系统的检修维护生产实践起到指导作用。
The fifth part of this paper discusses the comparative advantages of chinese manufacturing in international division , including the differences of chinese and western manufacturing abilities and productivity . the comparative analysis of chinese and east - asia countries " comparative advantages is a most important originative idea 重点分析了中国与西方发达国家制造业的生产能力和效率水平,对中国制造业相对于东亚新兴工业化国家所特有的比较优势分析是这部分的新创造。