Divarication and opposability between quot; new economic geography quot; and economic geography 区域经济发展空间研究进展
Under the strong competitive pressure , enterprises especially multinational companies have to adjust the competitive relationship among the companies from the strategic point of view . they have turned to collaborative competition from opposability competition 各国企业尤其是跨国公司迫于强大的竞争压力开始对企业间竞争关系进行战略性的调整,纷纷从对立式的竞争转向合作竞争。
In 1996 , the amendment of criminal procedure law did n ' t allow the investigating and prosecuting apparatus deporting prosecuting roll before courtroom judgment , limited the extent and deepness of court examination to public prosecution , improved the opposability of courtroom judgment . however , in the practice of justice , because lots of judge ca n ' t make use of the time of courtroom judgment efficiently , it ' s difficult to grasp the facts of law case in courtroom judgment . so , chief judge allways accept and reuse prosecuting roll after courtroom judgment 我国1996年修正的刑事诉讼法在立法层面上否定了检察机关在法庭审理前移送控方案卷,限制了法院对公诉案件庭前审查的广度和深度,强化了法庭审判的对抗性:然而,在司法实践中,由于许多法官不能有效利用法庭开庭审判阶段的时空范围,难以在庭审中准确把握案件事实,致使审案法官在庭审结束后接受并利用控方案卷的情况长期存在。
In the foreword , it starts with the trial of socrates to reveal the theatric dimension of justice . chapter one addresses the common characteristics of justice and theatre , including the conflict and opposability , the synchrony and concentricity and the impersonation and outfit , etc . chapter two disserts the conversion course from “ justice in the open air ” to “ justice in the theater ” 文章首先于引言部分描述苏格拉底的审判借以彰显司法活动的戏剧之维,由此切入开始论述第一章,即阐释司法活动与戏剧的内在关联之处,具体包括两者的冲突性、共时性、集中性、装扮性等共通点。