| 1. | He had the calmness of temperament, the openness and precision in mind . 他性格沉着,思路开阔而周密。 |
| 2. | They were surprised by her openness when talking about her private life . 她谈起私生活时非常坦率,大家都很吃惊。 |
| 3. | Bingley was endeared to darcy by the easiness, openness . 达西所以喜欢彬格莱,是因为彬格莱为人温柔敦厚,坦白直爽。 |
| 4. | The young man, who intends no ill, believes that none is intended, and therefore acts with openness and condour . 年青人没有恶意,相信没有人会恶意对待他,所以行为坦率,爽直。 |
| 5. | China announces new measures to promote more openness 中国公布促信息更公开新措施 |
| 6. | Distance education - priority in great openness of the west 远程开放教育应优先发展 |
| 7. | Frankness or sincerity of expression ; openness 直率表现出毫不讳言或真诚;直率 |
| 8. | Openness to me means that anything can be cloned 对我的开着意谓任何事能是复制。 |
| 9. | Yet the trend towards openness is not inevitable 然而,开放之势并非所向披靡。 |