Oneiromancy : as a home of flutefriends , it created a good place for our study , we are very happy here but hope to provide us more information and database about flute 圆梦:做为长笛之家给广大长笛爱好者创造了很好的学习的环境我们感到高兴望能提供更多的有关长笛的资料和信息
Of it doesn ' t matter , this is a dream nevertheless , without any meanings , because you want to get too much reason in overworked or heart too , the likelihood is , oneiromancy does not have any scientific basises , just offer person entertainment just 没什么的,这不过是一个梦,没有任何意思,可能是因为你太劳累或心里想得太多的缘故吧,解梦是没有任何科学根据的,只是供人娱乐而已