The difficulties of active olfaction are pointed , out at the end 最后,指出了当前主动嗅觉研究的主要难点。
The four diagnostic methods refer to inspection , auscultation and olfaction , inquiry and palpation 四诊,即望诊、闻诊、问诊和切诊的总称。
For example , primates rely more on vision than olfaction ; for rats , the opposite is true 例如灵长类比较依赖视觉,而不是嗅觉,而鼠类正相反。
The principles of typical odor / gas sensors and wind - direction sensors used in active olfaction are analyzed 分析了当前此研究所使用的具有代表性的气味气体和风向传感器原理。
The state of the art of active olfaction ( also called mobile robot odor localization ) is reviewed in detail 摘要对主动嗅觉(或称移动机器人气味气体定位)问题的研究现状进行了较为详细的介绍。
As a result , primate brains maintain proportionately larger regions devoted to vision , and rats devote more space to olfaction 结果,灵长类的脑子负责处理视觉讯息的区域占较高的比例,鼠类脑子负责嗅觉的区域较大。
To some media editors , penetrating market olfaction , original insight to news and wide investigation , all of these are the standards of being mature 对于媒体人来说,敏锐的市场嗅觉,独到的新闻眼光,深入的调查分析,是一种成熟的标准。
Olfaction is to know the smell of the patient ' s body , the secretion and excreta by means of osphresis ( smelling ) 听声音是凭听觉以诊察病人的语言、呼吸、咳嗽等声音的异常;嗅气味是凭嗅觉诊察病人体内产生的气味,以及分泌物、排泄物的气味变化。
The three main steps included in the active olfaction , i . e . , plume finding , plume tracking and odor / gas source declaration , and the associated strategies applied to each step are summarized 总结了主动嗅觉所包含的三个步骤,即气味气体烟羽的发现、跟踪和气味气体源确认,及每一步所采取的主要策略。
The four diagnostic methods , namelv inspection , auscultation and olfaction , inquiry , and pulse - taking and palpation , refer to the four basic procedures used in diagnosing a disease , they are the presuppositions of correct differentiation and effective treatment in tcm 四诊即望、闻、问、切,指的是用于诊断疾病的四个基本步骤,它们是中医正确辨证和有效治疗的前提。