1993 open studios , cite van gogh , auvers - sur - oise , france 1993绿象沙,绿象市法国
Fran ? oise combes , an astronomer at the paris observatory , is a leading expert on galaxy dynamics 康布任职于法国的巴黎天文台,她是研究星系动力学方面的顶尖天文学家。
Photographic narratives , portraits , architecture and urbanism : those are the recurrent themes in marie - fran ? oise plissart ' s career as a photographer and film maker 后来,她把视角转到城市建筑和城市规划上来,不仅如此,其实这个主题可以扩大到人与城市,与建筑,与他人之间的关系。
It was still more impossible to remain in the department of the oise , one of the most open and strictly guarded in france ; this was quite out of the question , especially to a man like andrea , perfectly conversant with criminal matters 他也不能留在瓦兹区,这是法国藏身最困难和防卫最严密的省份之一,象安德烈这样的一位犯罪专家,知道要在这一带隐匿起来是非常困难的。
In 1997 , professor chen was the first non - french winner of the " prix de l oise " by " la ligue nationale contre le cancer " of france , and in 2002 , he was named chevalier de l ordre national de la legion d honneur " by the french government 1997年,陈教授获法国国家抗癌学会( laliguenationalecontrelecancer )颁授loise奖( prixdeloise ) ,是首位外国学者获得此项殊荣。 2002年,他又获法国政府颁授法国勋级会荣誉军团骑士勋章( chevalierdelordrenationaldelalegiondhonneur ) 。
In 1997 , professor chen was the first non - french winner of the " prix de l oise " by " la ligue nationale contre le cancer " of france , and in 2002 , he was named " chevalier dans l ordre national de la legion d honneur " by the french government 1997年,陈教授获法国国家抗癌学会( laliguenationalecontrelecancer )颁授loise奖( prixdeloise ) ,是首位外国学者获得此项殊荣。 2002年,他又获法国政府颁授法国勋级会荣誉军团骑士勋章( chevalierdanslordrenationaldelalegiondhonneur ) 。
The most lovely one can be regarded as that willo w father - in - law trembling by the pond , the best partner in summer that it is us , creep into it what wild monkey that we often only look like like , naughty ground tearing its beard , the gentle breeze will stroke and come to generate the n oise that " the sand rustles " , seem to be itch an d breathe out and breathe out laughing itching by us 最可爱的要算是池塘边的那一位位颤抖着的柳树公公哦,它是我们夏天最好的伙伴,我们常常像只的野猴似的钻进它怀里,调皮地扯着它的胡须,微风拂来发出“沙沙沙”的响声,仿佛被我们弄得痒痒地呵呵大笑。