| 1. | Oestrogen hormone therapy , including oral contraception 雌激素贺尔蒙治疗,包括口服避孕 |
| 2. | Oestrogen hormone therapy , including oral contraception 服用雌性激素,包括口服避孕药的人 |
| 3. | Fertility is indicated because a narrow waist is linked to higher oestrogen levels 细腰女人生育能力强是因为细腰与雌激素分泌旺盛有关。 |
| 4. | The study found the increased risk most acute for cancer involving oestrogen - receptor positive tumours 研究发现,患癌症风险最大的包括雌激素受体阳性肿瘤。 |
| 5. | The study found the increased risk most acute for cancer involving oestrogen - receptor positive tumors 研究发现雌激素受体的阳性肿瘤癌呈上升趋势,情况非常严重。 |
| 6. | Scientists believe female hormones in sewage , such as oestrogen from the contraceptive pill , and chemicals are to blame 科学家认为,那些避孕药中的雌激素和化学药品是造成鱼类性别畸形的罪魁祸首。 |
| 7. | In result , anti - hormonal therapy ( especially anti - oestrogen therapy ) , which blocks the hormones ' action , is widely used against the disease with good results 因此,抗激素治疗(尤其是抗雌二醇治疗)阻断了激素的作用,广泛用于治疗乳癌并获得良好效果。 |
| 8. | There is a known link between breast cancer and the female hormone oestrogen , and dietary fibre has been demonstrated to regulate oestrogen levels in the body 现在已知在乳腺癌和女性激素雌二醇有着一定联系,膳食纤维已经被证实可以调节人体内的雌二醇水平。 |
| 9. | After puberty , a girl ' s waist narrows in proportion to her hips as oestrogen levels rise , and then expands as the hormone concentration decreases with age 青春期后,由于雌激素分泌增多,女人腰部与臀部的比例增大,而随着年龄的增长荷尔蒙分泌会下降,腰身也将变粗。 |
| 10. | Phyto - oestrogens are similar to the hormone oestrogen and are found mainly in soya products and the fibre present in whole grains , berries , fruit , vegetables and flax seed 植物性雌激素与人体雌激素成分相似,主要来源为大豆制品,以及全谷类浆果类水果蔬菜与亚麻仁中的纤维质。 |