| 1. | This beautiful mistress is most observant . 这位俊俏的太太好眼力。 |
| 2. | The lift attendants were very observant . 电梯服务员很注意别人的动静。 |
| 3. | Henry was very observant . 亨利善于察颜观色。 |
| 4. | You are an observant man . 你是个有眼力的人。 |
| 5. | Observant husbandmen usually hate some of the adverse reaction . 细心的养牛者通常对一些异常反应比较注意。 |
| 6. | His spirits were always equable and he was an observant person . 他的精神总是平稳的,并且他又是个循规蹈矩的人。 |
| 7. | He passed through the streets with a hasty step, but a quick and observant eye . 他快步穿过街道,机灵的眼睛注意着一切。 |
| 8. | I do not mean to say that i am particularly observant or quick-sighted in general . 我并不是说我在一般的事情上特别细心或是目光敏锐。 |
| 9. | An observant visitor would soon notice that it is filled with what looks like a thick , grayish substance . 明眼的来访者很快就注意到瓶里装的是一种看上去浓厚的淡灰色的物质。 |
| 10. | He had no money left now, a fact that the observant and experienced landlord had divined some time ago . 他现在一个铜子也不剩了。善于观察而又非常老练的店老板早就看出了这一点。 |