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Chinese translation for "oae"


Related Translations:
oae office automation equipment:  办公室自动化设备
Example Sentences:
1.The analysis of oae signal is the composition of hearing physiology and audiology
2.The discovery of otoacoustic emissions ( oae ) is one of the most important progress in hearing physiology and audiology
3.Sixteen patients showed some degree of oarian supply to the uterus , and nine of them had unilateral or bilateral oae
4.The oae diagnoses , which is simple , speedy , hurtless , and can be applied to all ages , has great clinic worthiness
5.But its research and clinic application has been badly restricted by these days " oae test instrument , either ponderous or costliness
6.In order to eliminate these disadvantages , we present a new intelligentized oae test instrument based on correlative research in the world in the last years . our otoacoustic hearing measurement instrument comprises two parts
7.Compact in configuration , mightiness in function , convenience in manipulate and high resolution , high efficiency , low cost are all the characteristics of this instrument . in the end , we give a brief introduce about some common analysis methods on oae signal . and lay a emphasis on wavelet and improved wigner - vill used in the analysis of soae and teoae , comparing with the tradition method , these new time - frequent methods have better time - frequent characteristic , are fitter for the oae signals
最后,该文分别对耳声发射信号的常用分析方法进行了介绍,并重点介绍了用小波变换、改进的维格纳分布等方法分别对soae信号、 teoae信号进行分析的情况,与传统的处理方法相比较,时频分析方法由于具有较好的时频分辨率,更适合于耳声发射信号的分析。
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