Notifier makes it possible to uncouple senders and receivers ( subscribers ) of messages 事件通知类对于每一种消息能够区分谁是发送者,谁是接收者。
The notifier is responsible for message routing ; for each type of message , a different notifier exists 事件通知类负责消息的路由,对于每种不同类型的消息存在有一种不同的通知。
A domain notifier knows about every change to any object in the model , and broadcasts these changes to domain listeners 域通知器了解到对模型中任何对象的每次更改,然后将这些更改向域侦听器广播。
Thread safety relates to the fact that clients using a notifier in a multithreaded environment should not have to be concerned with thread synchronization issues ? subscribers will need to , but the notifier should not 线程安全也就是要使客户程序在多线程环境中使用此通知机制的时候不需要关心线程同步的问题事件关注者需要,而事件通知者不需要。
Those interested in sending messages to subscribers do so through the notifier class methods ; those interested in receiving messages implement the subscriber interface and register with the appropriate notifier 那些需要发送消息给关注者的对象通过事件通知类来实现这项操作,而那些需要接收消息的对象则需要完成接收消息的接口,并向适当的通知类注册。
The written announcement that office unit interior sends , ask party signs , party is absent , ask others generation to turn announcement , also ask era turns notifier autograph , notifier of after the event should be tracked fulfil 机关单位内部所发的书面通知,要求当事人签名,当事人不在,请别人代转通知,也要求代转通知人签名,事后通知人要追踪落实。