Dried seaweed , called “ nori ” , is a popular food in japan 干海草,被称为海苔,是日本人的流行食品。
20 sheets of nori seed weed 片海苔片
It ' s nori as a mid - autumn present this year again . every year it ' s the same thing 今年中秋礼品送海苔啊。每年都是一样的东西。
Try nori seaweed , and cats also love cantaloupe fresh vit . c 可试著加一些紫菜,猫也爱吃甜瓜cantaloupe ,含丰富新鲜维他命c 。
But like other women her age , nori insists she will keep her part - time job , at an ornithology institute east of tokyo 但是和其他这个年龄的女人一样,纪宫坚持要继续她在东京以东的鸟类学会的兼职工作。
The keyword here in japanese is nori " , meaning both groove " and as written in the chinese character , law " or to have rules or regulations 在日本,这个词是指一种极佳的精神状态,和写汉字的“法”字如出一辙。
Cut the nori seed weed sheet into 10 " x 3 1 2 " , put the rice on it first , then the rest of the ingredients as you disire , and wrap it like ice cream cone shape 将海苔剪成长方形,左手拿海苔片,放点白饭,再加上上述材料,卷成圆筒状即可食用。
Princess nori , also known as sayako , will have to leave the imperial family and the quiet palace in central tokyo for good , about which she has expressed some anxiety 本名叫清子的纪宫公主(婚后)必须脱离皇室,永远离开那座位于东京中心的安静宫殿,对此她表示有些担忧。
Business sales import export used construction industrial machinery , automobile , motorcycle . adress 7f nori building , 3 - 33 - 10 , minami - oi , shinagawa - ku , tokyo , japan , 140 - 0013 Yuasa贸易公司创立于1666年,是日本有名的贸易公司,二手建设机械贸易及拍卖以小型设备为主,全国共有4个拍卖场所。
The hon . sandra nori , a minister with the nsw government in australia which financed the sydney 2000 olympic games , and a speaker at the london olympic opportunities conference said 桑德拉诺里( sandra nori )是澳大利亚新南威尔士州政府的一位部长,曾经负责2000年悉尼奥运会的财政工作。