| 1. | Every nook and cranny has been swept clean . 旮旮旯旯儿都打扫干净了。 |
| 2. | Every nook and corner wants a mighty sweeping . 每一个角落都需要进行彻底的大扫除。 |
| 3. | It has penetrated into almost every nook of our culture . 它已几乎渗透到我们文化的每一个角落。 |
| 4. | She might be happy in some nook which had no memories . 也许在一个对于她的旧事一概无知的一隅之地,她远可以快活。 |
| 5. | They wandered along the beach, looking in every nook and corner of the old camp . 他们在海滩上徘徊,看遍了旧营址的各个角落。 |
| 6. | Each nook and each object revived a memory, and simultaneously modified it . 每一个角落,每一件东西都勾起一段回忆,同时又在改变着这些记忆。 |
| 7. | They were generous young souls; they had been reared in the lonely country nooks . 她们都是宽大厚道,年少性真的孩子,生长在偏僻闭塞的陬隅之地。 |
| 8. | Just then i came upon a photograph of some nook in a foreign city which i had been very fond of . 就在这时,我翻到一张照片,是我很喜欢的外国城市的一个角落。 |
| 9. | There was not a corner or nook in the ship, above or below, where her fairy footsteps had not glided . 轮船上下,几乎没有一个角落是她那飘飘欲仙的步履没有踏过的。 |
| 10. | Than in your own 19th - century oak writer ' s nook 比你那些19世纪的老派作家更好的 |