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Chinese translation for "narcissist"

Example Sentences:
1.It ' s " common sense " that celebrities are narcissists , said jeremy ritzlin , a longtime hollywood psychologist who has not seen the study
好莱坞资深心理学家曾经说过,名人都比较自恋,这已是个“常识” 。
2.It ' s " common sense " that celebrities are narcissists , said jeremy ritzlin , a longtime hollywood psychologist who has not seen the study
好莱坞资深心理学家曾经说过,名人都比较自恋,这已是个“常识” 。
3.Self - absorption is of various kinds . we may take the sinner , the narcissist and the megalomaniac as three very common types
“自我沉溺”种类繁多。我们可以挑出“畏罪狂” , “自溺狂” , “自大狂”三种最普通的典型。
4.It is not the entertainment industry that turns stars into narcissists , the study found . rather , it suggests , the self - adoring seek jobs in show
5.The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming , and seeks to be feared rather than loved
6.I must be one of those narcissists who only appreciate things when they ' re gone . . . . . it ' s better to burn out than to fade away
门兴想买回小戴只是他们在一相情愿吧~ ~ ~他们是想买,可拜仁不一定想卖呀~ ~还得考虑小戴自身的因素呢!
7.It is not the entertainment industry that turns stars into narcissists , the study found . rather , it suggests , the self - adoring seek jobs in show business
8.Sister hibiscus says things as if she is living in a romance novel . many call her a narcissist , but she prefers the term " self - confidence .
从芙蓉姐姐说的事情看,她彷佛生活在浪漫小说里,许多人都称她为自我陶醉者,但她给自己定义为“自信” 。
9." narcissism is really being in love with yourself , " he said . " so it would be natural for narcissists to the spotlight , where other people will also
他说: “自恋就是爱自己,所以,自恋的人喜爱被聚光灯包围的感觉很正常,而且站在聚光灯下时,别人自然也会觉得他们了不起。 ”
10.The study asserts that narcissists " are more likely to have romantic s that are short - lived , at risk for lack emotional warmth , and to exhibit
此项研究指出,自恋的人“更容易与别人发生短暂的恋情,对爱人不贞缺乏温情,此外,他们还比较贪玩不诚实控制欲强,还有暴力倾向。 ”
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