When is long john going to hang that fellow in mountjoy ? says joe “高个儿约翰究竟什么时候绞死关在蒙乔伊的那个家伙? ”
Father conmee stopped three little schoolboys at the corner of mountjoy square 在蒙乔伊广场的角落里,康米神父拦住三个小学童。
Bloom in alderman s gown and chain . electors of arran quay , inns quay , rotunda , mountjoy and north dock , better run a tramline , i say , from the cattlemarket to the river 身穿高级市政官的长袍,挂着链子阿伦码头英斯码头圆堂蒙乔伊和北船坞的选民们,我认为应该从牲畜市场铺设一条电车道,一直通到河边。
Master brunny lynam ran across the road and put father conmee s letter to father provincial into the mouth of the bright red letterbox , father conmee smiled and nodded and smiled and walked along mountjoy square east 少年布鲁尼莱纳姆跑到了马路对面,将康米神父那封写给管辖教区神父的信塞进红艳艳的邮筒口里。康米神父泛着微笑,点了点头。
" it ' s an absolutely amazing project , " said opera ireland ' s conleth teevan ahead of the launch of the company ' s winter programme on monday . " they ' re all very proud of the work they ' re doing in mountjoy and they ' re learning new skills which they can use when they leave prison . 负责这场歌剧策划的“爱尔兰歌剧”公司计划将在押犯们的劳动成果用于他们今年11月中旬对普契尼那部著名歌剧的演出中。该公司的一位名叫康莱斯蒂文的负责人说: “这是一项绝对令人感到惊奇的计划。
Starting united both at normal walking pace from beresford place they followed in the order named lower and middle gardiner streets and mountjoy square , west : then , at reduced pace , each bearing left , gardiner s place by an inadvertance as far as the farther corner of temple street , north : then at reduced pace with interruptions of halt , bearing right , temple street , north , as far as hardwicke place 他们都是用正常的步行速度从贝雷斯福德广场出发,按照下中加德纳街的顺序走到蒙乔伊广场西端。随后放慢步伐一道向左拐,漫不经心地来到加德纳广场尽头,这里是通向北边坦普尔街的交叉口。随后朝右拐,时而停下脚步,缓慢地沿着但普尔街往北走去,一直来到哈德威克街1 。
The scheme originated in 2004 at the high - security maiano jail in perugia and has involved collaboration between maiano and dublin ' s mountjoy prison where inmates have spent six months working from designs drawn up by their italian counterparts . opera ireland plans to use the finished products in its staging of puccini ' a most famous work in mid - november 据路透社9月18日报道,本次计划是于2004年在位于意大利佩鲁贾市戒备森严的迈亚诺监狱内开始付诸实施的,同时还得到了远在爱尔兰首都都柏林市的蒙特乔伊监狱部分犯人的通力协作,后者花了6个月的时间将意大利“同伴”的设计由图纸变成了现实。
The scheme originated in 2004 at the high - security maiano jail in perugia and has involved collaboration between maiano and dublin ' s mountjoy prison where inmates have spent six months working from designs drawn up by their italian counterparts 据路透社9月18日报道,本次计划是于2004年在位于意大利佩鲁贾市戒备森严的迈亚诺监狱内开始付诸实施的,同时还得到了远在爱尔兰首都都柏林市的蒙特乔伊监狱部分犯人的通力协作,后者花了6个月的时间将意大利“同伴”的设计由图纸变成了现实。