Out of those experiences , everything from pomp to humor to grief to majesty to the profoundly gruesome5 ) and monumentally spiritual worked its way into his tone 由于具有这些经历,他的乐声五光十色,应有尽有:华丽、幽默、悲伤、雄伟,以及极度的可憎和永恒的圣洁。
If agricultures relative share of world output has been declining for centuries , food and fiber production has grown monumentally in absolute terms , and everyone will always have to eat 。几个世纪以来,农业在世界的总产出中的相对份额一直在下降,但食物和纤维的产量从绝对数量上来看已经历了里程碑式的增长。并且,人人都得吃饭。