Constructed in memory of the second moghul emperor in 1564 景区内的响水观是东北地区著名的道教庙宇。
Completed in 1648 , the fort contains prime examples of moghul architecture , set amongst spacious and relaxing gardens . if you want to do some 游人亦可以登临公园内依海而建的望海楼,尽览一望无际的海景。
India has always had an embarrassment of riches for the traveller : marble moghul tombs , grand palaces , palm - fringed beaches and himalayan treks . now the country has a new tourist attraction on offer : the village 去印度旅游的游客常常被带去欣赏壮观的陵墓精美的宫殿和迷人的海滩,或是加入惊险刺激的攀登喜马拉雅山之旅。