| 1. | Scholarship is mainly merit - based . in the case of graduate school application , transcript is no . 1 consideration . personal background is the next 奖学金的申请主要看成绩,尤其是申请硕士、博士学位,成绩是第一位的,然后才是个人背景。 |
| 2. | L : scholarship is mainly merit - based . in the case of graduate school application , transcript is no . 1 consideration . personal background is the next 奖学金的申请主要看成绩,尤其是申请硕士、博士学位,成绩是第一位的,然后才是个人背景。 |
| 3. | Nab has , therefore , started recruiting its own specialized workforce . skill - based job qualifications have been developed with transparent merit - based recruitment process 国家问责局制定以技能为本的专业要求和清晰的招聘程序,积极招聘专业人员。 |
| 4. | Merit - based shares refer to those issued by the company with meritorious achievements and tremendous financial strength . they produce the shareholders a stable and abundant bonus 绩优股指业绩优异、拥有强大金融实力的公司所发行的股票。这种股票可使股东获得稳定而优厚的红利。 |
| 5. | As a result , in a number of the countries we surveyed , the civil service is recognised as a leader in areas , such as equal opportunities policies , emphasis on training and development , and merit - based approaches to appointment and promotion 因此在上述国家内,公务员队伍都被视作某些领域例如:平等机会政策,雇员培训发展,以绩效考核为基础的任用和晋升政策等等的典范。 |
| 6. | As a result , in a number of the countries we surveyed , the civil service is recognised as a leader in areas , such as equal opportunities policies , emphasis on training and development , and merit - based approaches to appointment and promotion 因此在上述国家内,公务员队伍都被视作某些领域(例如:平等机会政策,雇员培训发展,以绩效考核为基础的任用和晋升政策等等)的典范。 |
| 7. | The salary increase was not merit - based , but resulted from a domino effect : it began when one los angeles law firm raised associate salaries , and then , one after another , the old salary structure at every major law firm across the united states toppled 薪水的增加并非基于其价值,而是源自于多米诺骨牌效应:当洛杉矶一家律师事务所给其雇员加薪,紧接其后,全美大部分律师事务所旧有的薪酬结构全部被颠覆了。 |
| 8. | Furthermore a bilingual environment ( english and chinese ) , flexible working hours , international mates and management , awesome loft - like office space , comfy relaxation area , free soft drinks / tea / gourmet coffee , access to exolibrary and exomags as well as numerous exoevents all ensure that our employees have a unique , merit - based working environment difficult to find elsewhere 此外,双语的工作环境(英文和中文) ;良好的福利待遇;弹性工作制度,舒适的办公空间- - -休息区里面各种各样的饮料、咖啡、茶,不同类别的杂志,以及各种各样体现公司文化的活动,这样的工作环境很难在中国找到第二家。 |
| 9. | Ceibs provides selected outstanding candidates with scholarships . most scholarships are merit - based and awarded in two payments with the second payment conditional on acceptable academic performance in the first two terms . all scholarships are available to both chinese and overseas students unless specified otherwise 2007年,中欧国际工商学院将向品学兼优的同学颁发奖学金,奖学金按照奖励优秀的原则评选,奖学金一般分两个阶段发放,第二阶段的奖学金将根据获奖学生在第一学期的学习成绩来决定是否继续发放。 |